work in progress Generative visualization, video database, LED sculpture

Art works
work in progress Generative visualization, video database, LED sculpture
2013-cont. Web interface, python, Hand-drawing dimension variable Anonymous participants are asked to draw a shape consisting of three lines with three intersections on the graphic web interface. For initial practice, I did a hand-drawing of extended lines over a 30×30-inch canvas, each with 100 anonymous submissions. This project is currently in development to use Python […]
2020 solo exhibition multiple digital screens, web interface (PHP, MySQL, HTML5, multiple APIs), LED sculpture The true method of discovery is like the flight of an aeroplane. It starts from the ground of particular observation; it makes a flight in the thin air of imaginative generalization; and it again lands for renewed observation rendered acute […]
2018-2021 site-specific participatory video installation multi-screen video projection, web interface (HTML5, PHP, MySQL, Google API), Kinetic Sensor dimension varies untitled [ ] – interactive is an interactive video artwork. This interactive work considers the one-way interactivity of internet streaming as a communication barrier and thus attempts to realize the topological landscape of the city in […]
2018-2022 multi-screen video installation. real-time playback Google Streetview API, computer, projectors dimension varies untitled [ ] utilizes images from Google Street-view, reforms the typical purpose of navigation or documentation use into an animation that has a nonlinear timeline. This video art considers the one-way interactivity of internet streaming as a communication barrier and thus attempts […]
work in progress data-driven video art tv cable box, radio receiver (annotation), computer (face-detection)
interactive installation CYNET art festival, Dresden, Germany 2018 HTML5, WebRTC, projector For this work Nevertheless – interactive (2018), I designed a web-based interactive interface to raise the awareness of temporal visibility and recognition of social media and broadcasting media users by reconnecting fragments of their spatiotemporal existence. The viewer can join the web interface by scanning a […]
Collaborative New-media Dance with Daniel E Roberts, Dancers: Biag Gaongen, Anthony Milian, Hannah Simmons, and Erin Yen
Collaborative new-media performance project with Partners Through Art Adaptations company:
Choreographer Karla Parbon, dancers Brooke Grissom and Melanie S Williams
video art, work in progress
Collaborative performance, Performer: Chancellor Fakih
data driven art
Collaborative performance, Dance by Joseph Blake
solo exhibition – MFA thesis show
Video art
video art
installation, work in progress
Site-responsive art
Site-specific Installation
site-specific installation
site-specific installation
interactive installation
interactive installation
2011 a series of photographs
interactive installation
interactive installation
interactive installation
video art
video art